Business with SFHA
Shiloh Falls Homeowners Association, Inc. (SFHA), is a membership of all property owners within Shiloh Falls. The SFHA is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors who conduct the day-to-day business of the association to include maintenance of the association owned property within Shiloh Falls (common areas and roads, etc.).
By-Laws, Covenants & Building Requirements:
Dues and Assessment:
- Property Owner agrees to pay Homeowners Association dues and assessments for a home plus a vacant lot. However, if the owner wants to combine two lots and not pay SFHA dues for both, the following apply: no more than two lots may be combined for the purpose of reducing fees; some house and/or garage foundation and structure must be situated on each lot; combining approval will not occur until after all construction is complete; lot dues will convert to the single home dues once the lots are combined and recorded as such. Owner will only have one SFHA vote when any number of lots are combined.
Utilities Information:
New residents can set up cable, electric, internet, phone, water, and waste management services by contacting the utility companies below:
Pickwick Cable:
Pickwick Electric Co-op (PEC):
First Utility Water District:
Shiloh Falls Utility/Waste Water:
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